Syllabus VI Artists Infection

Infection consists of three double sided A2 poster sheets folded into an A3 12 page booklet
Edition of 150
19.5 x 42cm
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Infection is the result of a year-long collaborative process between 10 artists and writers exploring processes of contagion, transmission and transmutation. Following a period of collective research, each person had just two weeks to make work in response to the person’s work that came before them. This printed edition of 150 contains this work transposed and expanded upon with a focus on text and image.
The original work can also be viewed online at the following link:
Featuring: Kirsty Dunlop, Bettina Furnée, Helen Hamilton, Alice Hill-Woods, Freya Johnson Ross, Loll Jung, Max Parnell, Maria Sledmere, Daniel Trivedy, Sam Williams.