11 June, 4-9 pm
Cambridge Junction. Free
Workshops, artwork, performances and more, celebrating digital art. Drop in at any time or stay for the whole event. At Cambridge Junction. BOOK HERE
11 June, 4-9 pm
Cambridge Junction. Free
Workshops, artwork, performances and more, celebrating digital art. Drop in at any time or stay for the whole event. At Cambridge Junction. BOOK HERE
Make Glitches
Turn digital glitches, bugs or corrupted images into new artworks. With artist Antonio Roberts, who created a video short for MTV in 2016 and has exhibited at festivals and galleries internationally.
Create your own GIFS with artist Luca Mainini. Luca makes ‘kaleidoscopic art for the fashion world’ (Vice) and has worked for Givenchy, Dolce & Gabbana and Moschino.
MaKey MaKey activity
MaKey MaKey is an invention kit where you can use every day objects as a replacement for keyboards and mice. With the MaKey MaKey, you could play bananas like a keyboard, turn a drawing into a drum set, the possibilities are endless...
7-9pm – Enjoy live music from Tape Runs Out, Lunacre and others. See creations from the day plus other digital artworks.
The event takes place at Cambridge Junction, Clifton Way, Cambridge, CB1 7GX
Get in touch at circuit@wysingartscentre.org
This event is organised by our young peoples’ group Circuit, in collaboration with Young Art Kommunity at Firstsite and in partnership with Cambridge Junction.
For more information on Circuit click here.
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