
Circuit: Unlock Cambridge
10 October, 12-9 pm

Calling all 15-25 year olds, our young peoples' group Circuit having been working with Danish artists Superflex to develop a free festival of workshops, pop up events and performances in various locations around Cambridge for you! Come and unlock the city. Free and all welcome.

Download a pdf of what's happening when, here.

Circuit Unlock Cambridge

Above: Film about Circuit: Unlock Cambridge

Circuit: Unlock Cambridge is a free festival organised by young people for young people. The festival has three elements - PLAY, DO and SEE


Play Ducked off - fed up of rising house prices in Cambridge? Come and take your anger out, knock down houses to win prizes!

Above: Film about the Alternative Tours of Cambridge during the festival

Get your licence to walk - find out how to dodge the lost tourists, cyclists and ducks and get a licence in walking.


Complaints Choir - Got a complaint about Cambridge? Give us your grumbles and hear it become a song. Performances take place at midday, 1.30pm & 3.30pm; final sing-along at 5pm.

Alternative Tours - Take a guided tour and unlock secret spaces of Cambridge – expect the unexpected! Tours leave at 1, 3 & 5pm. Book on the day at Market Square. Tours last approximately 50 minutes.

Model Cambridge - Unlock the future of Cambridge in this hands-on workshop and work with others and a local artist to make a model of an imagined city.


Closing Party - an evening of pop up events with artworks, films and performances plus see an alternative view of Cambridge through photography and film. Meet your guides @ Market Square 6-7pm and/or discover the location as it is announced here and on Twitter and Instagram on the day.

To view and download a full programme please click here.

Twitter & Instagram @circuitcambs #unlockcambridge

Share your photos from the day #unlockcambridge

For more info on Circuit click here. Get in touch at circuit@wysingartscentre.org

This event is organised by the young peoples' group at Wysing and Kettle’s Yard as part of Circuit, a national programme led by Tate and funded by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation.