
January 17 to April 5 2020

Wysing Spring 2019 artist in-Residence Athanasios Argianas presents Hollowed Water, an exhibition at Camden Arts Centre including new film, sculpture and musical works that emerge from his interest in redundant technologies and the traces of modernism found in unthought of places, supported by the Freelands Foundation.

Drawing on the social and historical specificity of acoustic forms and visual aesthetics, Argianas developed several new works during his residency at Camden Arts Centre in 2018-19. These include modular ceramic sculptures that trace the nuanced shifts from the curves of art nouveau to 1930s modernism, as well as casts and replicas of acoustic technologies, including the Ondes Martenot Resonator – a prototypical instrument that tilts and bends sound, treating it as a tactile material.

As part of the The Freelands Lomax Ceramics Fellowship, Wysing hosted Argianas for a period of three weeks in March 2019 where he used the Wysing Polyphonic Recording Studio.

The Freelands Lomax Ceramics Fellowship was launched in 2017 and offers an annual residency at Camden Arts Centre, followed by an exhibition. Argianas is the second recipient of the Fellowship.

For more information, please visit the Camden Arts Centre website by clicking here.

Supported by Freelands Foundation.