Seja Marginal, Seja Herói (Be Marginal, Be a Hero) parts 1-5
Part 1: Danger Museum, 19 January -11 February
Danger Museum
During 2007 Wysing re-located to central Cambridge, converting a discused car showroom in the Romsey area into a temporary gallery and project space. We invited five international artists' collectives to be resident in the space, in a programme that celebrated the marginal. First to take up residence was Danger Museum (Norway and Singapore).
Danger Museum approached Cambridge as a “a field for exploration, a place for scientific exploration and a site with its own local history and mystery.” They researched some of Cambridge’s historic collections, including Kettle’s Yard, The Fitzwilliam Museum, The Folk Museum and the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, and included objects from their collections in the narrative of a large wall painting.
They also curated a film series by other artists including John Smith and Jacques Tati. And Dr Mark Elliott of the Mseum of Archaeology and Anthropology gave a talk on objects from their collection.