25 October, 12pm - 4pm
Drawing Rooms and Rearranging Space - Wardrobes and Walls, Corridors and Cupboards, Corners and Curtains.
Be part of the BIG DRAW, the biggest drawing festival in the world!
Come and work with artist Jack Cornell who will help us have fun with drawing and think about homes and rooms as spaces to design, care about and be influenced by. We will create paper room sets, dynamic floor plan drawings, plan, design and make patterns for walls and fabric and explore the exhibition The Influence of furniture on Love in the farmhouse and the gallery.
We will use all types of paper, pens and pencils, string, stickers and tape to draw out extraordinary ideas and make new artworks together.
This family workshop will be supported by Bryony Graham Wysing’s Producer, Children and Young people Programme and is also an ideal day to visit Wysing if you are working towards Arts Award Bronze, Silver or Gold; bring your portfolio to share your own work.
The workshop is a FREE drop in session running from 12noon- 4pm - stay for as short or as long a time as you like. Feel free to bring a lunch picnic and stay all afternoon.
So that we can plan the day we would be grateful if you would book a space by clicking here to go to our Eventbrite page.
Arts Award Support Sessions at Wysing are kindly supported by Cantab Lettings.
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