Saturday 20 October, 12 - 4PM
Big Draw: Playing with Wor(l)ds
FREE, drop in
Artisan coffee experts Beanissimo will be providing a pop-up coffee and cake offer throughout the event.
Meet artist Anna Bunting-Branch and see how she creates her own animations, then turns them into new digital worlds. Anna Bunting-Branch has previously worked in painting, but has created new work in Virtual Reality for the exhibition Warm Worlds and Otherwise.
Imaginative Animations
Create your own character puppet, inspired by women in science and technology. Work together with Anna Bunting-Branch to create a collaborative animation with support from Wysing studio artists, which will be shared online by Wysing following the event.
Drop-in (collaborative animations will be put together at 12.45, 13.45, 14.45 and 15.45), facilitated
Explore Landscapes
Explore Wysing’s site sculptures using materials and trails in the Imagination House as a starting point. Experiment with responses to the site using drawings and natural materials to create your own ‘mix and match’ world as you explore the landscape. Will you include a concrete beach, supernatural sounds, or a spectacular structure in your imagined Wysing?
Drop-in, self-guided
Play with Wor(l)ds
Drop into our Open Studio to see the online Playful Wor(l)ds art commission and contribute to the There Ought to Be a Word archive.
Drop-in, self-guided
Warm Worlds and Otherwise
Visit the new Virtual Reality exhibition by Anna Bunting-Branch. Working with digital arts studio Werkflow, Bunting-Branch has transformed her hand-painted characters, props and backdrops into an immersive virtual story-world. As the viewer is transported between environments - from an unknown planet to a restaurant orbiting in space and beyond - we inhabit the bodies of different human and non-human characters in the narrative. Please note the exhibition uses Oculus Go technology, for which the recommended age is 13+ as the headsets are designed to accommodate pupil distance for adults. Families with children younger than 13 are welcome to explore the exhibition at the discretion of the parent/guardian. For more information please email education@wysingartscentre.org
Drop-in, self-guided
This event is part of the Big Draw, the world’s biggest drawing festival.
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