Tellervo and Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen
I Love My Job, 2008
This darkly humorous video work told the story of four nightmarish events that take place at an office, a flat, a restaurant kitchen and a factory. The artists invited workers from Gothenburg, Sweden, to tell them the darkest moments of their work life. The artists then re-created the events with a team of actors, introducing elements of fiction. In the four scenes the artists gave the story tellers a chance to express their work situation, emotional stress and worries via the cinema screen. However, each story also depicts the possibility for thinking about survival strategies and revenge imagined by the workers.
Christodoulos Panayiotou
Tomorrow is Today, 2009
Christodoulos Panayiotou's new work Tomorrow is Today is a conversation between the artist and his former theatre professor Jean Verdeil on the pedagogic legacy of socially engaged theatre with the practices of contemporary socially engaged art. Two framed works referred to this in the gallery: a poster announced the event together with a photographic print; a performance entitled The end by Panayiotou realised in the baroque theatre Markgräfliches Opernhaus in Bayreuth in Germany. The dialogue in Tomorrow is Today was re-enacted as a conversation, directed by Jonathan Young from Shams Theatre, in a special public event on the Sunday 1 November at 5pm at Wysing.