
7 October to 9 December, 12–5pm daily

Warm Worlds and Otherwise is artist Anna Bunting-Branch’s first major solo exhibition, staging an experimental new work in Virtual Reality.  

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16 June to 15 July, 12-5pm daily

Over the course of three weeks, clay products will be made in Wysing’s gallery, where they will also be stored and dried, creating a working space and exhibition that will illustrate some of the key ideas behind a project developed by Grizedale Arts and Wysing Arts Centre as part of a UK-Korea Residency Exchange.

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Our first exhibition of 2018, with work from Helen Cammock, Ilker Cinarel, Jesse Darling, Maryam Monalisa Gharavi, Juliet Jacques, Isaac Julien, Carolyn Lazard, Zinzi Minott, The Newsreel Collective, Harold Offeh, Raju Rage, S1 Portland/Women's Beat League, Syllabus III and Liv Wynter. 

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