10 March 2012, 2-6pm
A day long event that explored some of the themes within Wysing's gallery exhibition The Starry Rubric Set. Click on the image to see photos from the event.
10 March 2012, 2-6pm
A day long event that explored some of the themes within Wysing's gallery exhibition The Starry Rubric Set. Click on the image to see photos from the event.
2pm Emma Smith ∆E=W
An ongoing project by artist Emma Smith developed from a series of experiments involving touch, the gaze and spatial harmonics. A group of pre-selected members of the public were invited to reconsider the experience we have in a gallery through a series of vocal and physical responses to artworks on display. By interacting with the artworks in The Starry Rubric Set and each other, the players experimented with moving beyond a solo and contemplative relationship to art to explore the energetic relations between people, practice and space. Developed with the support of Artsadmin, London.
2.30pm Francesco Pedraglio The Evidence of an object
"No one is ever the last person to recount anything anyway, there is always someone else talking, reporting, remembering...there are always elements to be collected, discovered, connected, reduced to something else, to something more". Focusing on both the conceptual and practical difficulties of storytelling, the work reflected on the idea that any narrative, as much as it creates dependency for its listeners, it depends from their interpretative will. Practically, while addressing directly the public and trying to gather enough elements to construct the story (a credible protagonist, a solid structure and a climax etc.) Two hand-held projections with two almost identical videos played a chasing game around the space's walls. Overlapping and fitting the different shapes together, they struggled in the attempt to create a temporary equilibrium in third images.
2.45pm Mark Essen Unstoppable Descent Mark Essen presented a new video work which formed a short film interruption to the day’s events
2.50pm Cally Spooner Potentially, not necessarily, and not forever; Notes on a new Production. Cally Spooner gave a reading of the score for a new theatre production on the possibility of not performing.
3.15pm Gil Leung & Ed Atkins A Methodology for a Phosphorescent Screen A screening programme for a glow in the dark surface put together in collaboration with artist Ed Atkins and Gil Leung of LUX.
4.30pm John Latham The Government of the First and Thirteenth Chair as reinterpreted by Mark Aerial Waller with students from Norwich University College of the Arts. This performance was the first of a series of new ‘re-workings’ of Latham’s sculptural installation and performance The Government of the First and Thirteenth Chair. A number of artists worked with the framework provided by Latham’s original script and stage directions to develop new versions of the play, for live audience, for camera, or for publication. The performance stages Latham’s concept of a Time-Base Spectrum made up of 36 bands, from ‘least event’ (1) to universe as event (36). It told a version of the story of humanity, which occupies the 13 bands from 17 - 30. The previous performances of the work took place at Riverside Studios in 1978 and at the Ruskin School in 1991. The Government of the First and Thirteenth Chairwas been developed in collaboration with Elisa Kay, Hana Noorali, Claire Louise Staunton, Flat Time House and NUCA.
5-6pm Drinks in reception area
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