12 November 2011
A day-long event that marked the end of the The Department of Overlooked Histories residency and the begining of the gallery exhibition of new work by artists which had been developed during their residencies.
2.00pm Ruth Beale - Vignette 1
2.15pm Call & Response - Land Ownership to Data Ownership, Enclosures to Open Source
2.30pm Richard J. Evans, Regius Professor of Modern History at Cambridge University - an introduction to E.H. Carr’s What is History, a seminal work of critical historiography, and his own work, In Defence of History, followed by a Q&A session with An Endless Supply
3.30pm – 3.45 Ruth Beale - Vignette 2, on Giles Round's The Matrix Stage
3.45pm Reuben Henry & Karin Kihlberg - introduction to and screening a new film marking the launch of their book Apeirophobia
4.00pm Dr Henriette Hendriks, Head of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics at Cambridge University on how language marks the present and future grammatically and marks ongoingness versus completedness
5pm Ruth Beale - Vignettes 3 & 4 with David Knight on Planning and Infrastructure, Snobbery to Bureaucracy and Nigel Pennick - Folk Melange and Selective Anthropology: The Reworking of Tradition
5.15pm Panel discussion with residency artists, Dr. Henriette Hendricks and Professor Richard J Evans
7.30pm – Emma Smith, Campanalogia: composition 1 - Bell Ringing performance in Bourn village church
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