
Sunday 5 May, 2-4pm

An alternative round-table discussion conceived with current artists-in-residence Anna Barham, David Osbaldeston, Charlotte Prodger and Florian Roithmayr. 

Round-table Discussion

During the course of their Convention T residencies, which have run from 11 March - 6 May, the artists have collected a hugely diverse range of research material in the form of text, video, image and sound which, alongside examples of their work in progress, will be recited, played and discussed by them on the day. The material has been collated and will be available as a complementary publication for all audience members to take home with them.

Also available for a first viewing is the exciting new commission Arrest by Florian Roithmayr. Using a new technique beloved by car-modification communities, the artist has transformed Wysing's otherwise unremarkable Renault Kangoo into a new mobile artwork.

The event will be broadcast live at www.thisistomorrow.info.