Saturday 10 March, 10am - 6pm
Various locations
As part of the project New Geographies, we would invite individuals, groups, friends or families (birth or chosen) to have their photograph taken in the landscape of Cambridgeshire.
Artist Harold Offeh is inviting people living and working in Cambridgeshire to select a specific landscape in their local area within which they would like to be photographed. They can choose any kind of pose, for example it might have a connection to family, from an old photo, film or album cover. Offeh recently moved to Cambridge, and as a relative newcomer, is interested in peoples’ relationship to their local landscape.
This open call comes from Offeh's project The Lounging Series.The series focuses on Offeh's re-enactments of reclining or lounging black men on 1980s album sleeves. The work was developed during a residency at Wysing last summer where the artist performed the poses in rural settings. The reclining figure has long been a familiar position in fine art from ancient times to the present.But what does the pose mean? Offeh's photographic series playfully looks at the social and cultural value of assuming a chosen pose in a landscape.
You may want to pose in a site that has been suggested for the new map of East of England as part of our New Geographies project here or suggest another site that you find personally interesting. Refreshments will be provided and following the photography session you will receive a copy of your photograph.
Please respond to the open call via email with subject line ‘Harold Offeh’ to info@wysingartscentre.org by 26 February. Please send your name and suggested location in Cambridgeshire. For any questions, contact Wysing Arts Centre by email or phone on 01954718881.
Harold Offeh uses performance, video, photography, learning and social arts practice. He often employs humour to confront the viewer with histories and stories. He is interested in learning from the experiences of re-creating and re-staging historical material artefacts and images.
New Geographies’ aim is to create a new map of East of England based on personal thoughts, reflections and stories of those who live here, rather than on historic or economical centres. During the Summer of 2017, we invited the public to nominate overlooked or forgotten places throughout Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk and received over 270 nominations. Further details can be found at www.newgeographies.uk
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