Drawing course led by artist Caroline Wendling
Thursday 15 June, 10am-12noon
£15 per ticket
This course, led by Wysing studio artist Caroline Wendling, will study different ways of drawing, using both traditional and contemporary drawing techniques to explore different ways of seeing.
The course is both a one-off event and a taster session for a more expanded five-week course that is being developed by Caroline Wendling and which will start this September.
This two-hour session takes food as its starting point and will begin in Wysing’s onsite café, Café Abantu, with a practical exercise including drawing around food and objects directly onto a tablecloth. The next activity will involve exploring Wysing’s site through drawing activities. The course will end with a sharing and discussion of the drawings back in the café.
The course is aimed at people with no drawing experience who would like to try out different kinds of drawing techniques within a supportive group and who would enjoy the opportunity to draw outdoors.
Caroline Wendling has been based at Wysing for a number of years and she is an experienced art teacher; regularly running courses and workshops for adults and children at all levels of ability. In Caroline’s work she explores ideas of place and belonging through drawing, print and three-dimensional constructions, attempting to give material form to the complex interconnectedness of our internal landscapes in relation to the space we inhabit.
Course price: £15. Drawing materials provided. Food is available to purchase from the café. To book your place please visit Wysing's Reception or click here.
Cafe Abantu is open from 9am to 4pm and the gallery exhibition Mene Mene Tekel Parsin is open from 12 to 5pm.
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