Josh McCormack is an artist specialising in drawing, painting and drawing animals, birds and landscapes and creating illustrations by hand and photoshop.
I am a local artist, I have a BA Honours in Fine art from Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge. I have a specialism in drawing, I paint and draw animals, birds and landscapes I create illustrations by hand and photoshop my work includes; pencil drawings of animals and birds also still life and portraits using pencil, pen, ink, charcoal and chalk, I have exhibited with Cambridge drawing society spring and autumn exhibitions, I have also exhibited with Royston drawings society, I completed a book illustration course, 25 hour class Hills Road Cambridge.
I attended Cambridge Regional College BTEC level 3 diploma in art and design, graphic design, I attended Cambridge Regional College. GCE A level art and design (Fine Art) B. I volunteer at Wimpole estate, I completed YMCA Cambridge level 1 Award in social media , I also completed Ixion holdings, Cambridge, level 1 Award in principles of customer service. Thinking and listening skills, managing expectations and customer-provider role play. I help out with setting up and taking down exhibitions with Cambridge Drawing Society.
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