Isobel Meredith-Hardy's ceramics practice focuses on different processes of making from hand-building to slip-casting.
I am keen to develop my work along the lines of merging techniques of weaving and the traditional methods of making ceramics, weaving clay together to make sculptural forms which can also be functional as well as being objects of art. Themes that inspire me pivot around abstract expressionism, geometry, everyday life, the organic and the natural - all with an overarching awareness of the sustainability within my practice. I aim to represent stories through my work, respond to a broad range of stimuli, whether as a personal narrative or from someone else’s perspective.
Up until now I have made a series of vessels which represent ways to cathartically represent emotions. For example I made a piece which represented myself talking to my therapist Verbal sick/Walking dots. This was inspired by the quotation by Paul Klee ‘drawing is simply a line going for a walk’. The clay bodies I use are slip casting porcelain and stoneware as well as hand building with paper porcelain, porcelain and stoneware. I often score my work with additional marks by hand which makes it look more characterful. My vessels have a variety of glazes. I often use body stain or underglaze and colour and contrasting shades are important to me.
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