6 July — 9 July 2009
The first four day retreat, Neither Here Nor There, explored local narratives, histories and myths in the arts and examined successful approaches to working, exhibiting and selling art beyond the borders of major urban centres.
Ten artists and curators based in the eastern region were invited to come on the retreat following a selection process. They were: William Clifford, Lucy Conochie, Sarah Evans, Bettina Furnee, Catherine Hemelryk (Bury St Edmunds Art Gallery), Hayley Lock, Jo Mardell, Rachel Oxley, Mark Ross and Caroline Wright.
Contributors were: Stefan Rusu (Moldovian artist), Margarita Gluzberg (drawing lecturer at the Royal College of Art), Charles Avery (artist) and Heimo Lattner (Director of Dutch collective e-xplo).
The Year 1 students from the RCA who curated the retreat were: Emma Astner, Gareth Bell-Jones, Carmen Billows, Romain Chenais, Martyn Coppell, Thomas Cuckle, Saim Demircan, John Decemvirale, Karina Joseph, Gemma Lloyd, Antonia Lotz, Louise O'Hare, Eve Smith, Yesomi Umolu. The retreat was documented by artists Helen Sykes and Vicky Falconer.
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