2 March to 18 March (please note early closure due to Coronavirus)
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Encounter is a new solo exhibition from artist Naomi Harwin, and Wysing Arts Centre's first presentation as part of a new programme strand, Test Space, which provides a public platform for Wysing’s studio artists to test out new ideas and directions.
As the first Test Space artist, Harwin will continue her recent investigations into materiality and form to create an ambitious, immersive installation in a new small exhibiting space in our main studio building.
Repurposing collaging techniques for a 3D environment, Encounter will see abstracted photographs, drawings, sculptures, video and lighting making up multi-layered perspectives reminiscent of theatrical stage design.
Drawing on an interest in the mutability of objects and materials, Harwin employs techniques of drawing, photography, print and sculpture to translate and re-translate a source object into something entirely new. For this exhibition she will present a series of objects with ambiguous sources, referencing machine-made and corporeal forms in a deceptive interplay of line and form, surface and object.
Naomi Harwin (b. 1992, Winchester, UK) is an artist based in Cambridge and has been a studio artist at Wysing Art Centre since 2015. Her sculptures, drawings and installations move through a self generative process of translating information and images extracted from the investigation of an object. Harwin’s work has been shown nationally and internationally, recent exhibitions and features include: To be an object is to possess a boundary, 1961 Projects, In Personam, Singapore (2019), Like-minded, Minimal Zine issue 01 (2019), Non-working hours, 1961 Projects, Singapore (2018), We:You,Me,
Firstsite, Colchester, UK (2017), AD HOC + TRADE Swap Editions, Art Licks,SET and Castor Projects, London, UK (2017), in between things, Nunns Yard, Norwich, UK (2016) and ‘O’, Airspace Gallery, Stoke-on-Trent, UK (2015).
In response to government guidelines, Wysing's site closed temporarily on 18 March until further notice.
If you have questions about access needs, please email Wysing’s Head of Operations, Ceri Littlechild, on ceri.littlechild@wysingartscentre.org.
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